Meet the Team – Robert Purcell

Meet Robert

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  1. Tell us about your background and how you became a Field Service Engineer at Clearhill.

Before I joined Clearhill, I was a Data Centre Engineer. Two years ago, I moved to Belfast with my girlfriend and took a year off to think about the next steps in my career. I decided to do something different and the opportunity with Clearhill was open. I liked being out and about in the van, meeting new people and learning something new, so I decided to apply, and the rest is history.

  1. You’ve spoken about the benefits of meditation in our morning meeting, how do you incorporate it into your day?

I got into meditation because I can be very reactive and needed a tool to help me refocus in the moment and help me progress with my tasks. One of the techniques I use is “Box Breathing” which I like because it uses breathing as an anchor to reset your body and take your mind out of the problem to help you think about it from a different angle. If anyone wanted to learn about meditation, I would highly recommend the Daily Calm on YouTube. There are several videos on this at varying lengths. I recommend starting with the shorter videos to help you establish a routine. I watch a video every night and then listen to motivational speaking in the morning.

  1. What’s your guilty pleasure?

I have a friend who is a member of a whiskey club, so they can get some very nice bottles of whiskey for less than they would usually cost. Every so often (at the weekend!), I treat myself to one of these more expensive bottles to try and take the opportunity to learn more about the distiller and the whiskey. This is usually paired with a Chinese or Indian takeaway to round out this indulgence.

  1. What aspect of your job do you find most challenging?

Managing stock can be a struggle. When I started working for Clearhill, I tended to undershoot as I did not want to overload the van. Once I realised I was not bringing enough stock, I took notes on the cranes and capsule stock levels during my visit and referred to these when back at HQ stocking up. This has worked well for me, as I have what I need for each call and my van is not overstocked.

  1. In your opinion, what makes a great Field Service Engineer?

In my opinion, a great Field Service Engineer can think outside of the box and bring diversity to the team in terms of skills or ideas. Try to use your initiative when presented with a potential problem, e.g. a broken kiddie ride or claw machine and if you cannot solve it on your own, know who to call to get the answers. We are lucky to have an expert team both on the road and in HQ, so someone may have dealt with the same issue in the past and know what to do. Having access to knowledge like this and knowing who to ask is invaluable in my role.

  1. Why should Shopping Centres and Grocery Stores partner with Clearhill?

Shopping Centres and Grocery Stores should partner with us because:

  • FunHub and Cleargift can bring an additional revenue stream to the centre.
  • It entices parents to bring their children shopping with them.
  • The kiddie rides can add more character to unused spaces in the mall.

In addition, when partnering with Clearhill you can be assured that your Shopping Centre or Grocery Store will benefit from our high service levels. 90% of our partners receive a weekly visit from a Field Service Engineer, depending on holidays, etc, which enables the team to resolve out-of-orders quickly with the parts from our parts boxes and ensure that there is a float with Customer Service to reimburse customers should one of our products break down before we arrive.

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