Abbey Centre Belfast

Investing in Clearhill’s tailor-made product range proved to be a winning formula for the Abbey Centre. The skill base offered by Clearhill, plus the personal relationship struck up with the team, proved crucial in clinching the deal.
Ride in Rushmere

“It was the skills of the team on the ground that have been the deciding factor in securing our contract.

“There are always companies out there seeking to offer alternative financial incentives but the reality is that on paper their service does not compare to Clearhill’s – there is no like for like.”

The possibility of bespoke equipment tailored to meet their individual customer specifications fitted perfectly with the Abbey Centre’s goal of utilising space with a valuable source of additional revenue for the centre.

“Clearhill promised to deliver more than just machines and they are living up to that pledge with well maintained products, a float that is regularly topped up and a first class response and call out time should a problem arise.

“Doing business with Clearhill has certainly proved to be hassle free.”

Mark Stewart – Shopping Centre Manager
